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Top of Mind from 3by400

Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

Beth Snider is the CEO and Founder of 3by400, Inc., a web design and development company in North Georgia. Beth operates as the primary project manager, account manager, and designer, using her 25+ years of experience in the IT industry to bring solutions to small and medium-sized businesses.

Technology for Seniors

Many of the elders I know are not like my mom, who can e-mail, use most of the features on her cell phone, and spends time on the Internet every day—she can even handle a conference call on her phone—go, Mom! However, many seniors automatically get a glaze over their eyes at the mention of technology, especially those who were firmly implanted in a career before personal computers came onto the scene in the eighties.  Don’t get me wrong…there are many out there like my mom who embrace it all. This month’s column is all about technology being marketed to seniors. Although these products are marketed to seniors, they can be of benefit to everyone, so whether you’re a golden-age techno geek or not, read on!

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8176 Hits

Hook Me Up

One of the things that is not covered in Marketing 101 is how beneficial it is for most businesses to be active in their local Chamber of Commerce. Okay..I already hear the moans and groans from some readers whose experience with the Chamber is much like the local country club, but hear me out before you let a 20-year old experience seal the deal.

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June 2007 - Joomla! User's Guide; G-mail Tips

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Cool Tools for 3by400 ClientsJune, 2007 - Vol 1, Issue 1 This is the first installment of Cool Tools--an attempt to make your life as administrator easier. We'll share tips and tricks, new finds, and other resources that will expand your repertoire or give you something helpful to pass on to the users under your care. If you like this kind of thing, stick around! If not, follow the SafeUnsubscribe link at the bottom of the page and you won't have to delete it every month...or say bad things about us spamming you! If there's a topic you'd like to see addressed here, just...

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The World of Google II

Last month, I started us off with an overview of the Google that most people know best—the upstart company whose search engine dominates the Internet. This month, I promised to expound upon some of the Google tools that are just as impacting as the search engine. Google supports some very interesting tools and customization for your web site through business products, bizsolutions.google.com/services. There are way too many to cover in this short space, so we’ll just review some of my favorites…

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9538 Hits

The World of Google I

There are few people in the country—possibly the world—who are not familiar with Google. Google has become synonymous with a new generation that is used to having all of the information of the Internet at their fingertips, since any topic can be found through the familiar Google search engine. As a project for Stanford graduates Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the world’s most thorough search engine now sets the rules for how web sites are indexed and promoted on the worldwide web. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. The word “google” has even been made it into Webster’s Dictionary, officially defined as “to use the Google search engine to obtain information about (as a person) on the World Wide Web.”

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