If you find MailChimp Module2 useful, we appreciate your review in the Joomla Extension Directory!
If you would like to hire 3by400 to help you get your MailChimp campaigns going, please contact us.
Important updates!
NEW API VERSION: MailChimp have upated their API to version 3. Please update your copy of the module!
VERIFY SSL: To protect you and your subscribers, the module checks your server's SSL certificate bundle. If your server does not have a CA bundle (Windows, for example) then you can disable "Verify SSL" in the module settings under Advanced.
If you have access to your PHP configuration, you should add your certificates. Please see this article for details.
MailChimp Module2 User Guide
Features:-- Easy configuration with API Key
-- Choose MailChimp list id
-- Collect email, first name and last name
-- Show Extra Fields (pro version)
-- Show Interest Groups (pro version)
-- NEW Easy language overrides for subscription success and failure messages
-- NEW Add rich content above and below the signup form (pro version)
-- Ajax form submission - no page refresh
-- Community translations available in eight languages - English, Catalan, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish

-- GPL v2
-- Install on unlimited domains
-- Free support for unlimited domains during your subscription (pro version)