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Top of Mind from 3by400

Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

Beth Snider is the CEO and Founder of 3by400, Inc., a web design and development company in North Georgia. Beth operates as the primary project manager, account manager, and designer, using her 25+ years of experience in the IT industry to bring solutions to small and medium-sized businesses.

Adapting to Change with Online Learning: Part 2


In last week's blog post, we provided an overview of online learning, or Learning Management Systems (LMS), and considerations for developing one for any organization. This week, we will focus on content methodology, choosing the right tool, and launching web-based training. Find the Right Solution Determining the best method for implementing the best method for web-based learning depends heavily on any existing website and the technical level of those creating, entering, and maintaining content.There are third-party Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings available. If deployment of the online learning solution is a critical and immediate need, SaaS may be a good...

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11002 Hits

Adapting to Change with Online Learning: Part 1


There’s nothing like a global pandemic to change not only the way you do business, but the way you live. With the advent of COVID-19 and continued social distancing efforts, the days of teacher-led business classroom training quickly became a thing of the past. With many employees working from home, using ZOOM for meetings and training rapidly gained popularity. As an emergency measure, substituting the classroom with video conferencing connections worked well, but after 19 months, many companies are replacing emergency measures with more permanent solutions for online learning. Why Use Online Learning? When done correctly, using technology for remote online...

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10236 Hits

Being a Partner 202B: Surviving Difficult Client Situations

In our last post, we recommended preparation steps for the scheduled client partner meeting to discuss your difficult situation, and reviewed an approach when your team was responsible for the original issue. This next installment covers what to do when your partner is at fault, and how to survive either of these two scenarios.
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3983 Hits

Being a Partner 202A: Surviving Difficult Client Situations

Being a Partner 202: Surviving Difficult Situations - Part 1
We know you’ve been there—something did not go as planned and conflict has arisen. It happens in business, because business occurs between human beings. Your response to these situations can make or break your client partnership, so your initial steps in preserving your partnership are crucial. Since this post builds on concepts presented in “Being a Partner 201: Recognizing Your Partner”, please start there.
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5699 Hits

Being a Partner 201: Recognizing Your Partner

Being a Partner 201: Recognizing Your Partner
After an initial interaction with a prospective client, I immediately know if this is an organization with whom our company can partner. How do I know? From a strictly business sense, we have the skills and experience to recognize a need that we can fill, and fill well. Yet, there is another, more interpersonal aspect of organizational match and agreement on establishing a path of success that are just as important for a true partnership. As with the start of any deep, committed relationship, what you do in the first meeting is crucial. If you are looking for tips on recognizing true partner material, read on!
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21654 Hits