I like to think that I am an informed consumer who balances budget and quality, trying to get the most “bang for my buck.” Recently, I came across the web site for an organization called Co-op America, that gave me pause. Now, I must start this writing with full disclosure that I am the driver of an SUV, I don’t do a good job of recycling, and it seems that with a family of four, we still have a bag of trash to discard at least every two days.
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Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.
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With all of the "Go Green" messages in the marketplace, we are frequently asked to help businesses minimize their dependence upon resource-draining practices, such as consuming reams of paper and contributing the depletion of fossil fuels, as well as an increase in pollution. Our approach is one of improving your efficiency/productivity through technology and being a good steward of the resources on earth.
There are numerous ways to both improve efficiency and productivty using very simple technology implementations. For assistance implementing these technologies, please contact us!
6092 Hits