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What's the problem with SaaS Website Platforms?

Crossroads - decision making
"Software as a Service" (SaaS) has been a growing trend for many years now. SaaS can be defined as subscription-based software accessed over the internet, rather than software that gets downloaded to your local computer. The customer pays a monthly or yearly fee to access the software.

Website design and development has been at the forefront of the SaaS movement with companies popping up over the years like WIX, SquareSpace, Shopify, ChamberMaster, and BigCommerce. Even platforms such as EventBrite, SalesForce, Facebook Shops, Etsy, and Amazon fall under the SaaS umbrella. In reviewing their selling points, these SaaS solutions look shiny at first glance. They boast of easy-to-use creation tools and a quick launch. So, what's the problem with software as a service website platforms?
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