If you have been on the fence for any length of time concerning whether to purchase an SSL certificate for your website and enable HTTPS for all your web pages, now is the time! As we've documented in a previous post, web browsers have been "strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption" over the last year through new features and notifications. However, the strongest push toward a more secure web is coming next month.
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Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.
5629 Hits
One of the things we test extensively on our sites is cross-browser compatibility. We try to make sure that your site looks the same (or as close as we can come) on all major browsers. One would think that all browsers are standards-compliant and would render web pages the same. Not so, especially with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. It's getting better with each release. Speaking of new IE releases, this story says that Microsoft will be rolling out IE9 automatic upgrades to all XP, Vista and Windows 7 users. Hopefully this will mean that the percentage of users who are on IE7...
3838 Hits