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Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

Now Is The Time For Your Website to Use HTTPS (SSL)—Change is Coming

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If you have been on the fence for any length of time concerning whether to purchase an SSL certificate for your website and enable HTTPS for all your web pages, now is the time! As we've documented in a previous post, web browsers have been "strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption" over the last year through new features and notifications. However, the strongest push toward a more secure web is coming next month.
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5629 Hits

Why Do Web Browsers List My Site as Not Secure?

Over the last several months, as new versions of Chrome, FireFox, and Internet Explorer have been released, we have experienced a much higher report of “connection is not secure” messages, especially for sites that collect sensitive or private information. These can be as unassuming as a red unlocked icon near the URL, or as intrusive as a pop-up message indicating pure doom if a viewer continues to the website in question.

Has something changed on the site? No. What has changed is the engineered deprecation of non secure sites on the internet, meaning that your web browser is now reporting sites to you that are not using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), indicated by “https” at the beginning of the URL rather than “http”.
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The Forget Button

Strategies for Remembering Login Credentials You know that big red "EASY" button that Staples uses for their advertising? I've finally decided that the checkbox for "remember me" should really be labeled with a big red "FORGET" button. That may sound harsh, but as a person who frequently has to remind others of their usernames and passwords...or reset passwords...I highly recommend that you never click "remember me" or "remember this password" in your browser. The only way to truly remember credentials is to use phrases that are meaningful to you, use them repetitiously across multiple sites, and have to type those credentials...

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