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Top of Mind from 3by400

Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

Choosing an eCommerce Solution

When you start the journey of selecting an eCommerce platform, the options can be daunting (and expensive). In order to choose the right option, it is important to know what features you really require for eCommerce. Here is our starter list of some of the top questions you should be able to answer:

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5610 Hits

How do I set up PayPal?


Yes, PayPal has thorough instructions for setting up an account at www.PayPal.com, but it can take some time to get through the process. Since almost any web product that allows you to sell something takes PayPal as a payment gateway, it's a slam dunk for generating revenue dollars. If there is any possibility that you will use PayPal on your site, we recommend that you start the PayPal process as soon as you start your web site implementation. In fact, since it doesn't cost anything until you start processing transactions, why not start today? Here are the steps: 1) The username...

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6366 Hits

PR - Dispelling the Myths

I hope these articles actually equip you with real tools, rather than a glossy overview. After my recent series on Advertising, I find it only fitting to follow with some dedicated print on Public Relations (PR), the other big hammer in your marketing toolkit. In this series, we’ll explore what PR is and isn’t, how to develop a mind and a plan for promotion, and how to get your message out onto the streets. In this issue, I’ll try to reveal some facts that will hopefully remove the cloud of mystery around PR.
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8696 Hits

Using Google Analytics to Improve Your Site

Using Google Analytics to Improve Your Web Site

Presented June 24, 2009 Dahlonega Lumpkin-County Chamber of Commerce Nuts & Bolts Presenter: Beth Snider This session included an overview of Google tools for businesses and a look at top-level Google Analytics reporting. Discussion included understanding what reports indicate, how to translate indicators into changes that may be required on your site, and a basic understanding at how Google indexes your web site. 3by400-GoogleAnalytics (downloadable PDF)

6258 Hits

The World of Google II

Last month, I started us off with an overview of the Google that most people know best—the upstart company whose search engine dominates the Internet. This month, I promised to expound upon some of the Google tools that are just as impacting as the search engine. Google supports some very interesting tools and customization for your web site through business products, bizsolutions.google.com/services. There are way too many to cover in this short space, so we’ll just review some of my favorites…

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9673 Hits