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Top of Mind from 3by400

Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

Search Phrases (Queries) in Google Webmasters Tools, Not Google Analytics

Not so long ago, you could look at your Google Analytics account and easily see the search phrases being used to find your site. Don't confuse these with keywords, which everyone says are dead...even Google (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/09/google-does-not-use-keywords-meta-tag.html). Metadata keywords in and of themselves are not really of much value, but using them in your content...well, that is the real "Google juice". Google calls these search phrases "queries", but about two years ago, the most critical ones vanished from Analytics, showing "unavailable". If you were using AdWords, you could see them, so it looked like a heavy-handed approach to marketing Google AdWords. It was really more like a repositioning to Google Webmasters Tools.
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8725 Hits

The World of Google II

Last month, I started us off with an overview of the Google that most people know best—the upstart company whose search engine dominates the Internet. This month, I promised to expound upon some of the Google tools that are just as impacting as the search engine. Google supports some very interesting tools and customization for your web site through business products, bizsolutions.google.com/services. There are way too many to cover in this short space, so we’ll just review some of my favorites…

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9671 Hits

The World of Google I

There are few people in the country—possibly the world—who are not familiar with Google. Google has become synonymous with a new generation that is used to having all of the information of the Internet at their fingertips, since any topic can be found through the familiar Google search engine. As a project for Stanford graduates Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the world’s most thorough search engine now sets the rules for how web sites are indexed and promoted on the worldwide web. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. The word “google” has even been made it into Webster’s Dictionary, officially defined as “to use the Google search engine to obtain information about (as a person) on the World Wide Web.”

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8088 Hits

Internet Explorer - Cannot open the site...

There is a fairly simple fix for the "Internet Explorer - Cannot open the site..." problem that is becoming more prevalent as we experiment with different Javascript libraries and Google API. In the index.php of the template file of Joomla, there should be a segment of code that calls the Google component config.php through a require function, as well as a Javascript call from Google itself. This segment of code was originally set to be inserted before head section the of the HTML. This insertion, however causes IE6 to abort all functions and not load the site. Solution: Remove the code...

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10799 Hits

Getting to your Google Project Site

You have received an invitation to your project web site from 3by400. Now what do you do? How do I get there... If the e-mail address to which the invitation was sent is a Google address (either GMail or an outsourced Google mail domain), simply click the link. When you get to the login page, click the link below the LOGIN button labeled "Don't have a 3by400.com account?". You will be asked to enter your e-mail address. This address must be a Gmail account (either via Google Apps, which is your standard e-mail address if we are managing your e-mail, or...

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7108 Hits