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Top of Mind from 3by400

Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

Beth Snider is the CEO and Founder of 3by400, Inc., a web design and development company in North Georgia. Beth operates as the primary project manager, account manager, and designer, using her 25+ years of experience in the IT industry to bring solutions to small and medium-sized businesses.

Do the Facts Really Matter?

How do you determine what is "fair"? I grew up in a time when not everyone got a trophy, grades were not assigned on a sliding scale, and no one bailed out businesses who couldn't figure out how to stay in business. That makes me sound really old, but I'm under 50. Two pieces of fresh news today lead me to believe that facts are becoming less and less important. First, I had to shake my head at a Business Insider "news" story that totally missed reporting on the new Google Conversion API because they were too busy complaining about the...

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5855 Hits

Entrepreneurial Endeavors

Moving from idea to implementation

In a month, 3by400 receives at least three or four calls from people who have the "best idea for a new web site". About 1% of them really do have a great idea for a site. The rest, unfortunately, failed to Google their thought before running headlong to web site design. That 1% is worth the others...so how do you decide if your concept is truly a great new entrepreneurial idea?
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5987 Hits

Understanding the Internet

And it happens in seconds! If you've ever been frustrated about a web site taking 10 seconds to load, you will find this video pretty interesting. Created by the World Science Festival, it provides a layman's explanation of what happens each time you load a web site. Thanks to Lucy at Ashland Farm for sharing this enlightening video with us!

6251 Hits

The Forget Button

Strategies for Remembering Login Credentials You know that big red "EASY" button that Staples uses for their advertising? I've finally decided that the checkbox for "remember me" should really be labeled with a big red "FORGET" button. That may sound harsh, but as a person who frequently has to remind others of their usernames and passwords...or reset passwords...I highly recommend that you never click "remember me" or "remember this password" in your browser. The only way to truly remember credentials is to use phrases that are meaningful to you, use them repetitiously across multiple sites, and have to type those credentials...

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8347 Hits

Client eSeminars a Big Hit

3by400 eSeminar - Introduction to Social Media

Free 3by400 eSeminars Provide Business Tips As a service to our clients, 3by400 started a new seminar series that covers a wide variety of topics important to managing and promoting web sites. We started our eSieminar series in January and have covered: The Joomla Content Editor (JCE), our online editing tool of choice Image Optimization for Web Sites Joomla 2.5 Preview Understanding Google Analytics; and All You Need to Know About MailChimp Our next topic is Introduction to Social Media, and we've received considerable interest from our clients. We select topics based upon our most frequent requests for support and prevelant...

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6186 Hits