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Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.

What's the problem with SaaS Website Platforms?

Crossroads - decision making
"Software as a Service" (SaaS) has been a growing trend for many years now. SaaS can be defined as subscription-based software accessed over the internet, rather than software that gets downloaded to your local computer. The customer pays a monthly or yearly fee to access the software.

Website design and development has been at the forefront of the SaaS movement with companies popping up over the years like WIX, SquareSpace, Shopify, ChamberMaster, and BigCommerce. Even platforms such as EventBrite, SalesForce, Facebook Shops, Etsy, and Amazon fall under the SaaS umbrella. In reviewing their selling points, these SaaS solutions look shiny at first glance. They boast of easy-to-use creation tools and a quick launch. So, what's the problem with software as a service website platforms?
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6390 Hits

5 Ways I Keep My Family Safe on the Internet

These days, every device, every video game system—even THINGS (IoT)—access the internet. So, in a world where the internet is inescapable, how do we protect our children? How do we help them hold onto their innocence?

My husband and I have been increasingly focused on these questions as our children get older, become more independent, more tech savvy, and more inquisitive.
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12388 Hits

Now Is The Time For Your Website to Use HTTPS (SSL)—Change is Coming

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If you have been on the fence for any length of time concerning whether to purchase an SSL certificate for your website and enable HTTPS for all your web pages, now is the time! As we've documented in a previous post, web browsers have been "strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption" over the last year through new features and notifications. However, the strongest push toward a more secure web is coming next month.
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5301 Hits

Being a Partner 202B: Surviving Difficult Client Situations

In our last post, we recommended preparation steps for the scheduled client partner meeting to discuss your difficult situation, and reviewed an approach when your team was responsible for the original issue. This next installment covers what to do when your partner is at fault, and how to survive either of these two scenarios.
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3983 Hits

Being a Partner 202A: Surviving Difficult Client Situations

Being a Partner 202: Surviving Difficult Situations - Part 1
We know you’ve been there—something did not go as planned and conflict has arisen. It happens in business, because business occurs between human beings. Your response to these situations can make or break your client partnership, so your initial steps in preserving your partnership are crucial. Since this post builds on concepts presented in “Being a Partner 201: Recognizing Your Partner”, please start there.
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5699 Hits