Top of Mind from 3by400
Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.
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Now Is The Time For Your Website to Use HTTPS (SSL)—Change is Coming
If you have been on the fence for any length of time concerning whether to purchase an SSL certificate for your website and enable HTTPS for all your web pages, now is the time! As we've documented in a previous post, web browsers have been "strongly advocating that sites adopt HTTPS encryption" over the last year through new features and notifications. However, the strongest push toward a more secure web is coming next month.
Within the last year, Chrome has begun marking a subset of webpages as "not secure" if the page contains form fields for visitor data entry. With the release of Chrome 68 in July 2018, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as “not secure”. It's reasonable to expect that others browsers will soon follow suit.

It has never been easier or cheaper to secure your website traffic with an SSL certificate. We encourage you to contact your current website host, and take the necessary steps to begin using HTTPS encryption on your website. Those steps will include the purchase or enabling of an SSL certificate, configuring your website to always send visitors to the HTTPS URL of your web pages, and resolving any mixed content issues on your site.
Not only does the use of HTTPS contribute to a more secure web, but you'll also benefit from higher customer confidence, performance improvements, compliance with new features, and improved SEO rank.
If you are a current 3by400 client, please reach out to us if you have any questions about your site's HTTP/HTTPS status and watch for additional information coming to your inbox! To our guests, if you're in need of a web partner for your company or organization that stays abreast of changes in technology that affect you, let's talk!
Within the last year, Chrome has begun marking a subset of webpages as "not secure" if the page contains form fields for visitor data entry. With the release of Chrome 68 in July 2018, Chrome will mark all HTTP sites as “not secure”. It's reasonable to expect that others browsers will soon follow suit.

It has never been easier or cheaper to secure your website traffic with an SSL certificate. We encourage you to contact your current website host, and take the necessary steps to begin using HTTPS encryption on your website. Those steps will include the purchase or enabling of an SSL certificate, configuring your website to always send visitors to the HTTPS URL of your web pages, and resolving any mixed content issues on your site.
Not only does the use of HTTPS contribute to a more secure web, but you'll also benefit from higher customer confidence, performance improvements, compliance with new features, and improved SEO rank.
If you are a current 3by400 client, please reach out to us if you have any questions about your site's HTTP/HTTPS status and watch for additional information coming to your inbox! To our guests, if you're in need of a web partner for your company or organization that stays abreast of changes in technology that affect you, let's talk!