1. Open the respective article and click the image manager button. 2. Within the image manager, create a directory. (ex: myphotos) 3. Click on the new directory and upload your images. (For proper viewing, ensure they are no larger than 900px wide or 900px tall before uploading) 4. Once all photos are uploaded, close the image manager. 5. Within the article add for example {gallery}myphotos{/gallery} and press apply. 6. View the article from the front end of the website. All images existing in the directory: "myphotos", will be automatically presented as an image gallery. ***Pre-sizing images to one standard size (ex:...
Top of Mind from 3by400
After a lot of work by the Joomla Development Team and the Joomla Bug squad, Joomla 1.6 has hit Release Candidate 1 status. The developers are hoping this will be the only Release Candidate. If no major bugs are found, it will undergo a final security audit and be officially released on January 10th. We have it installed and our team's learning their way around it. You can see how it looks straight 'out of the box' at http://j16.3by400.com.
What's new in Joomla 1.6? Several major things.
The latest beta for Joomla 1.6 is out. This is the 15th beta. Yes, that's a lot, but the development team decided to go with rapid betas, released every two weeks regardless of how the current status. There are now four bugs that are awaiting resolution before the 1.6 realase candidate is created. The Joomla website says they expect to release the Joomla 1.6 RC 1 on December 13th, unless some major issue is discovered in the meantime. It's about a year past when we hoped 1.6 would ship, but the development team's making measurable and rapid progress now. We'll keep...
We still maintain some sites that are running Joomla 1.0.15. This software officially reached its end-of-life July 22nd, 2009. In the intervening almost 16 months, there have been no security patches. That's a long time in the software security world. As a result, our 1.0 clients sites are being hacked into with increasing regularity. We wish we could apply a security patch to prevent these breaches, but none are available. We've taken all due precautions we can, but the bad guys on the Internet are devious and relentless. About all we can do now is to run a nightly integrity check...
Today the Joomla project released Joomla 1.5.22. It fixes a low-impact security flaw. All our customers that were running 1.5.21 have been upgraded to 1.5.22.