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Our blog posts are the result of issues and opportunities we see in our daily work. They are designed to increase understanding and provide a source of vision for your web presence.
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Some e-commerce Tips

I'm going to let the cat of the bag here. One of my favorite websites for information on e-commerce is PracticalEcommerce.com. It consistently has relevant, practical articles and tips. Here's an example...

their 10 Great E-commerce Ideas for June 2010. One of them rang especially true. We're getting more and more interest from our clients about live chat for their websites. It's a great way for prospective customers to ask a quick question and get an immediate answer, rather than writing an email. (yes, the day is here when e-mail is actually too slow in some cases). We've experimented with several live chat components and have some winners we can recommend. Contact us if you're interested in learning more.


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