We try to host most of our clients' websites. We started doing this because we tried using a service that claimed to offer 'custom Joomla hosting' packages. After two days on that service and horrible website load times, the service called us and asked us to move the site off of their server, because it was getting too many visitors for their server to keep up with. We seem to be talking to more people these days who are using diverse hosting providers. Here's some of the issues we're running into with them: Email bundling problems. Their hosting provider also provides...
Top of Mind from 3by400
When we work with someone who wants to blog, and they don't want to use Joomla content items (like we're using here), we generally recommend blogger.com. This is a free service from Google. It's a bit limited, but it's drop-dead simple. We can then do an RSS feed from the blog to the main website. There's another blogging service that's about to get my nod. It's called Tumblr. I think it may be even simpler than blogger.
The Joomla! community has launched a new community online magazine. It's a good looking site, and has lots of information for everyone from new users to power users. So check it out!
Joomla 1.6 is in beta test right now. It's currently at beta 7. When will it be ready for general use? The standard answer is 'When it's ready.' The issue tracker currently lists about 60 'confirmed' bugs, about 20 'in progress', about 45 'pending', 15 'in review' for about 140 or so bugs that need to be resolved. Hopefully they'll get nailed in upcoming weeks, then we'll get 1.6 release candidate this fall. So when will we do our first 1.6 website? After 1.6 goes gold, we'll keep an eye on the extensions and templates that are 1.6 ready. After Joomla!,...