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Can't find lists: Invalid Mailchimp API Key in mod_mailchimp2

Just a quick FAQ for those that get the following error message while using the MailChimp Module.

Can't find lists: Invalid Mailchimp API Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxx . You are accessing the wrong datacenter - your client library may not properly support our datacenter mapping scheme.
Error code: 104

Please make sure you're using the entire API key.  The MailChimp API looks for the Datacenter ID at the end of your API key:


If you just use the numeric portion, MailChimp won't recognize your datacenter.

(Developer's note:  I'm so used to double-clicking to select a whole word that I've goofed this up myself!  Just don't tell anyone.)

The Easy Way to Send Email Campaigns

Keeping in touch with our email list subscribers is critical, but we don't often have time to construct a new campaign and send it. MailChimp's RSS-to-Email campaigns allow you to make updates in one place--your web site--and automatically notify members of your participating list of the updates. It is an easy way to communicate if you're already blogging or writing! In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up MailChimp so it periodically looks for new content on your site and email it to your list subscribers.

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Where do I find the API key and list ID?

When configuring your MailChimp module, you will be asked for a MailChimp API key and list ID. Both of these are located in your MailChimp account, and are accessible after logging in at www.MailChimp.com. Here's how you find them...

API Key:
From the left main menu, click on your Username, then select "Account" in the flyout menu. From the account page select "Extras", "API Keys". Your API Key will be listed in the table labeled "Your API Keys". Copy / Paste your API key into the MailChimp Module2 setup.

List ID:
When viewing your MailChimp Lists, select the list you wish to offer user sign-up, then click "Settings" and then "List name & defaults". Your list id will be at the top of the right column below List ID. Copy / Paste your List ID into the MailChimp Module2 setup.

Does MailChimp Module2 work with Joomla 2.5?

Yes, the latest version of 3by400's MailChimp Module2 does work with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x. The basic version of the module is free with basic functionality.  The Pro version comes with premium features and support for unlimited domains.

How do I change the MailChimp Module2 labels?

If you want to edit the MailChimp Module's labels, or change them to your language, we've made it easier.

You can change the default labels by going to Extensions >> Language Manager and searching for the label value or constant.  You can also change the default labels by editing the file: /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_mailchimp2.ini

Change the text in double quotes to your custom message.

Advanced users can create a new language file instead.  If you would like to contribute a translation in your language, please send it our way.

How do I get started with MailChimp?

First, go to www.MailChimp.com and sign up for an account. If your list is small, their accounts are free! After you have created your account, create at least one list and make sure you retrieve the list ID and your API key, as these will be required to configure the MailChimp module.

Next, register for our updates mailing list.  And lastly, download and install the MailChimp module. Configure the module using the appropriate API Key and list ID. It's that simple!